Tuesday, July 13, 2010

More Preparations: Not Going Smoothly!

So when the wheel bearings got packed, the brake controller got messed up. As Steve was messing with the messed up brake controller, he noticed that one of the tires was worn through to the metal thingies inside it because it is apparently out of alignment. Did you know you can't align tires on these travel trailers? Neither did we! So he had to change a tire. Low and behold, the spare was flat. So now that stuff is all fixed and hopefully, the trailer is ready to go.

I have the clothes packed. Tomorrow is empty the fridge in the house into the much smaller fridge in the trailer. Departure time is Thursday AM, crack of dawn. To get Steve out early I promise him a trucker's breakfast once we get through the last of the traffic. So we'll leave by 7 and have breakfast once we clear the gigantic traffic jam caused by bridge work in downtown Santa Barbara.

First stop Santa Cruz!
