Thursday, August 19, 2010

Burns, OR to Likely, CA

After hitting the large and very nice quilt shop in Burns, OR where I scored a bunch of fabric quarters for the quilt I want to make, we hit 395 south again, hoping to make about 150 miles today. Fortunately, today the road was straight and flat, making it a much easier drive for Steve, who will no longer let me drive the trailer as, although he won’t admit it, he thinks I fried the brakes. Not driving the trailer is not a problem for me; I have no feminist need to prove that I can handle it. I got over that stuff many years ago when I had a flat tire on the way to work one bitter snowy day in Connecticut. As I rummaged in the trunk trying to pry the spare and the tools out of their little well without bashing my frozen fingers, a man who was running toward me shouted, “Honey, don’t touch that. Those tools are dangerous.” Of course my first reaction was, “Go away, you moron.”But I caught myself just in time and realized that the temperature hovered near zero, and if this man wanted to change my tire, I’d be a moron to stop him.

Anyway, today was a much easier drive and we made 200 miles. Crossing the giant caldera that is the Great Basin, at first the landscape is flat desert with pointed mountains that look like inverted snow-cone cups. There are warm springs to the east, and we could see alkali deposits and passed sand dunes and several drying salt lakes. It was desolate, sparsely traveled, and very beautiful. About 100 miles down we came across a rest-stop that had very nice exhibits of the geology, wildlife, and native inhabitants of the region. Toward the southern end, as we crossed into California, the sage greened up as the landscape changed to farmland - alfalfa, wild rice, and bales of hay.

Tonight we’re in the Likely, California RV and Golf Resort. The last photo is the view from our campsite. Likely is miles from nowhere - many miles. The “resort” itself is several miles from Likely, off 395. I had found it by accident reading reviews of the crappy (not to mention few and far between) RV parks along I-395 north of Reno. Likely is about 20 miles south of Altura (160 miles north of Reno), and someone had a dream of a nice resort for RV-ers and made a little RV park next to a regulation-length golf course at 4500 feet here in the very far boonies. It is quite nice and the best option for miles around but it is only ¼ full tonight. There are no signs to the place so if you don’t know it’s here, you’d never find it.

We’re less than a day’s drive from Reno tonight and will be there a day early. It will give Steve a chance to relax before the convention. The little sore throat I may have mentioned has blossomed into a full-blown chest cold, so a couple of days of rest for me.
