Sunday, August 15, 2010

Cascade Locks, OR

You'd think that being in Bill Gates' back yard that there would be good, strong, wireless all over the Pacific Northwest. But there isn't. There's better coverage in the far boonies (and we've been to the far boonies) than there is here. You don't now how much you depend on the net until you don't have it for a while. I'm going to write KOA a letter about their "free internet"; I would pay for it if it worked! Anyway, we're sitting on the deck of a marina, with good internet, overlooking the Cascade River, just north of Bonneville Dam. It's clear and very hot for this area (was 99 at 7PM last night), but there's a 20 knot wind so it feels cooler. This is the life. Yesterday we took a cruise of the river on a paddle boat. Start the video to see highlights.

We also visited Bonneville Dam and the fish hatchery, a huge and very interesting self-guided tour. Then we went to Multonah Falls for a BBQ dinner buffet - worst dinner we've had in a long time! The first problem was the fly in my shrimp; the waitress replaced my plate and I went through the line again. The second problem was that everything was over-cooked. With ribs it doesn't matter so much, but the salmon fell apart, the buffalo brats (which Steve had been looking forward to) had great flavor but were dry as wallboard.   
Then the decaf was cold and the cream curdled. By the time we got the coffee,we were tired of complaining, so we just paid the bill, wrote a long missive on their QA form and left. Oh well.

This morning we walked out on Robinson Island and let Doogie break the law for a few minutes by running off-leash to burn of some energy before it gets hot again. This afternoon we're going to tour some of the Lewis and Clark Historic sites then head out I-84 to I-395 toward Reno. We'll be glad to get home.
