Saturday, August 7, 2010

Rain in Westport

No pictures today because it rained hard all day long. Had no cell and only spotty internet. We went out for pancakes, played scrabble, then went to see them weigh the salmon and tuna for the local fishing derby. The charter companies compete with each other, making the fishing customers on each boat into a team. The five largest fish caught on each boat are entered into the derby. The schools of salmon and tuna have been running about 35 miles off-shore, which, I was told, is pretty far in for tuna. Everyone who came off a boat was wearing a black or orange  rubber dry suit and most were carrying very large fish or coolers full of very large fish. The catch is processed by the local cannery and donated to the homeless feeding programs statewide. Three huge blue tubs full of crushed ice waited at the end of the docks. Average tuna size seemed to be 23 pounds dressed. It seemed that everyone in town came out in the rain to watch the weigh-in. It's a weekend event; final scores will be tomorrow afternoon. Looks like it would be wonderful fun.
