Saturday, August 21, 2010

Reno, NV

Hello from Reno! Steve is enjoying the Kiwanis convention and I've taken the two days to get the trailer thoroughly cleaned, decreasing my work once we're home by about 50%. Also got some "girl-maintenance" done on my hair.

We also saw Carol and Jay last night. They took us to a wonderful Indian restaurant on South Virginia Street near the capital. Food was excellent. Ate the leftovers for my birthday brunch! Yes, it is my 64th birthday. In less than one year I will be on Medicare. It's my birthday, so I can eat goscht korma with rice and naan at 10:30 AM if I want to!

It was almost 100 degrees the last two days, but it's cooler today and an angry-looking storm is blowing in. Locals tell me it will likely pass over with maybe a thunder-clap and and a few drops.

We leave for Moorpark tomorrow morning and will most-likely stay in Lone Pine tomorrow night. 500 miles is just too far to go in one day pulling the trailer. We're looking forward to being home.

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