Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Still in Port Townsend

No photos today. Very foggy and cool- so cool that we had the heat on this morning. Low 50's. But with the green trees peeking through the fog and the little clumps of bright lavender along the roadway it's very beautiful. Drove out to Sequim where each of us had a haircut, and I bought an outfit that was in a store window. Now are having lunch in a cafe at Fort Worden with free internet. We love this place! This afternoon we will tour either the fort itself or downtown Port Townsend. The sun is coming out, so we'll get some more pictures. Plan for now is to stay in this area next week, too. After we get back from Victoria on Sunday we'll stay at least one night in Sequim. There is Olympia National Park, an Indian Museum, Hurricane Point, and other things to see. Then we'll head out to the west end of the peninsula, with the only purpose being to stand at the most north-westerly part of the continental US.   

Last night on NPR they were talking about people who record the minutiae of their lives in blogs. Minutiae? How insulting.
