Thursday, July 29, 2010

Last Day in Port Townsend

Beautiful Full Moon On Juan De Fuca

Officer's Row at Fort Worden. Parade Ground in the foreground with Juan de Fuca in the background

Master Bedroom in Chief Officer's Home
Fog on the Parade Ground
Fog Rolling In

Yesterday was very foggy in the morning but gave way to a warm and sunny afternoon. We toured officer's row and chatted with the volunteer in the gift shop. This is the most wonderful state facility we have ever seen and exists in part because of the partnerships the state has made with paying guests, organizations that use it, the volunteers and foundation that supports it, and the very efficient way it is being run. For example, the laundry that washes hotel laundry is finished at 3:00 PM, after which the machines are open to the public who pay to use them until 9:00 PM. Day camps, a jazz workshop, and acting classes going on this week all contribute to the income, as do the two colleges with extension programs here. You can get a MFA from Goddard at Fort Worden. It is beautiful, but we're getting chilled. It's so cold and damp at night, and even though it warms up when the fog burns off, I'm beginning to get that feeling I had in New England...that you never quite get warm from November to May.

As we will be in Canada for the weekend, there won't be any new posts until Sunday night on Monday. Hope you all are having a good summer.
