Friday, July 30, 2010

Victoria, British Columbia

Took the noon ferry from Port Angeles, WA across the straight of Juan de Fuca, not San Juan de Fuca as I had previously indicated. It is in the high 60's with full sunshine today and you can see the light sparkling off the water. This is a beautiful city with flowers everywhere. Being Canada, it's clean as a whistle, and there are walkers, bikers, and dogs everywhere. We got a ticket for a 3-day off and on bus tour including Buschart Gardens and took about half of the complete city tour this afternoon, then chose to walk back around the harbor to our hotel. Tomorrow we'll spend most of the day on and off the bus, hoping to spend the afternoon in the famous gardens. It will probably be warmer in the afternoon. I'm in a long-sleeved wool sweater covered by a sweatshirt and there are people in short shorts and tank tops. I guess when you live here all the time 70 seems hot. Anyway, we're excited to be here.
