Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hoh Rain Forest to Westport, Wasington

Today we planned a 120-odd mile trip to western WA with stops at the Hoh Rain Forest, Ruby Beach, and the 14-foot rain gauge along the way. We did stop briefly at Hoh Rain Forest, a mere 17 miles off route 101. About an hour each way along a winding, narrow road, pulling our trailer, and so not much fun. The road follows the Hoh river, glacier-fed and teal-blue which meanders through a meadow by the road. The trees and understory are dense and covered with hanging moss. It was only about 60 degrees with the sun poking through the fog and very humid. We only got these two shots before the battery in the camera died. I had been meaning to change it. Sorry.

In the above image, you're looking down on a little stream. The rocks are covered with moss and the water is absolutely crystal clear.

On the drive we saw a bunch of black-tailed deer, which are everywhere in the peninsula, a lot of creepy crows, and a baby bear who ran across the road in front of us. We've been on the peninsula about 10 days, mostly along 101, and have passed three prisons in the past 200 miles. Prisons are called "Correction Centers". Isn't that kind of a funny name? Correct what?

The trip was the longest 120-something miles! It took all day. But we arrived in Westport and have a nice campsite. It's cold and foggy like everywhere else on the peninsula. The campground manager told me they've only had 5 sunny days all summer. Westport is a cute beach town and we will enjoy it. Sampled one of the local restaurants and had a wonderful dinner. Clam chowder and deep-fried Dungenous crab. Deep fried crab!!! Oy Vey! Was it good! We better go for a long walk tomorrow.


  1. Love your blog comment and pictures. We have spent may a night at Rialto beach and Forks. Good folks and love the salmon!

  2. Your neighbor, KarenAugust 16, 2010 at 4:59 PM

    Hey! Have been enjoying your blog! Sounds like a fabulous trip. There is a loaf of zucchini bread in your freezer. Discovered a zucchini the size of a submarine in your garden. All is well here. :)


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