Friday, August 6, 2010

Westport Light and Pacific Beach

Woke to rain this morning and it drizzled off and on all day. When the sun peeked through the fog it was quite warm, otherwise cool and misty. We walked out on the pier that surrounds the harbor, then climbed to the top of the lighthouse built in 1898, and finally walked on the wide black-sand beach looking for sand-dollars and scallop shells.

This is a great little town. It reminds me of the Jersey Shore; York, Maine; or Plum Island, Mass...but in November.

The local supermarket gets fish off the boats every morning. How nice! We had a pan-roasted salmon filet with a white wine reduction, fresh local zucchini with Italian herbs, and fresh local salad for dinner. The salmon was swimming this morning and tasted mild and sweet - completely different than any salmon we've ever eaten.
